Correlation of #NativeAds with #Content and The Story of Native #Storyline Design
#Go_Native // # SHFT 2 Native Click to Tweet #SHFT2Native Shift to Advent of #NativeAds +King Devil Native content design strategy is increasingly emerging as a persuasive concept for targeted audience capture intent using unique storytelling. Brands are objectively using native advertising standards by focusing on offering an influence to trigger an indulgence. This influence that triggers user indulgence is influenced by using compelling native ad contents that matches the website design aesthetics, colours & indulging visuals. +Blogantly Explore the Shift to Native Advertising in Marketing // #Go_Native Click to tweet #Go_native // Shift to Native Advertising in Marketing +blogs4bytes // Click to Tweet The real challenge is delighting an audience with intriguing storyline that captivates the user to stick around. Click to tweet This is only possible by educating the user and getting them into paying attention to what brand...