₹ - Quest for Power: From Storytelling to Story Making
Intermission: Why can't blog have one? #hshdsh Tweets Zeta We reason till redemption over endless hot cups of "Chai", how to best serve your business objectives online. When you succumb and standstill to faintest of air you realise what you are at but to say least it’s just another beginning. Shopping with Hash Dash also #hshdsh - Because your favour will work for you when you shop, bag & save with us! ₹ - Quest for Power: From Storytelling to Story Making Good domain name must fulfil following three parameters: Simplicity Keywords Branding Zeta: We make good domain names. Brainstorm 5 top keywords Make domain Unique Choose only Dot-Com available domains Make it easy to type, easy to remember & easy to type Less than 10 characters preferred Create & Fulfil Expectations target audience who read domain name Set yourself apart with branding based on expectations from target audience Reject hyphens and numbers Write it out and read it repeatedly before making you...